Work in indigenous communities


Work in indigenous communities

Author 1 : Eliseo Hipólito Hernández.

Intercultural Community Library Document Information Systems (SIDBCI)

Originally from Centro, Tabasco. Graduated from the Intercultural University of the State of Tabasco (UIET). Independent teacher of the Language and Communication Workshop in the Yokot'an Language, creator of educational and cultural spaces. Author of teaching materials and teaching resources. Founder of the Intercultural Community Library (BCI). Independent researcher on social issues.

Villahermosa, Tab.- The Intercultural Community Library (BCI). It has contributed with work programs, focused on the assessment, revitalization and promotion of the Yokot'an language, with educational strategies, thus measuring the degree of responsibility. The Documentary Information System of the Intercultural Community Library (SIDBCI), within its functions is to organize virtual workshops for users, this due to the contingency and confinement due to the pandemic caused by SARS CoV- 2, in their native language, with programs such as "Yokot'an Language Workshop", to achieve awareness of our intangible cultural heritage, the creation of illustrations has also been important, to achieve an understanding of the different semantic topics. 

The BCI has also been itinerant, its programs are aimed at the general public, but especially at children and young people, which is why it is considered an innovative proposal. 

To achieve a positive impact, each workshop that is carried out has descriptive letters, an evaluation guide and observation forms, to achieve the teaching-learning process.

The task has not been easy, there are still deficiencies and problems that affect the community in educational and cultural spaces.

The impact on learning spaces due to the flooding that began on October 1, 2020, due to the overflow of the Jolochero River in the town of Colonia Garcia Sector, Ranchería Miramar, Centro, Tabasco, was an event that has marked the history of an indigenous community; this contingency also caused severe damage to the cultural collections of the Intercultural Community Library. Part of this event motivated us to innovate with digital spaces that offer quality services and constant training for children and young people who cannot afford a computer course in their native Yokot'an language.
